I Was Threatened-Mitch On Concerns Over $$ Paid For Barges

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(PLTM) - The Auditor General (AG) has vindicated Hon. Melvin 'Mitch' Turnbull over his claims and concerns that the government was paying a large sum of money for the use of barges to aid in border security. In fact, Turnbull is claiming that he was threatened over those concerns raised back in August 2020.

"...Because of my stance, I was put in a position where I was threatened because of what I had said and I stood on that because I believe the information I was given was true…it's amazing that it took two years later, the Auditor General and her report could capture the very cost that I stated," the Second District Representative said today March 2, during the debate in the House of Assembly on the audit report.

The report was conducted on the COVID-19 border security contracts for marine platforms between the Virgin Islands Party (VIP) government and EZ Shipping.

Back in August 2020 during an opposition press conference, Turnbull claimed that government was paying some $17,000 per day for each barge but weeks later, then Premier and Finance Minister Andrew Fahie, denied the claims.

However, the audit report stated that EZ Shipping was in fact paid $17,000 per day and was also paid for services not provided.

"The report said the government paid $2.04M to EZ Shipping for five months-24 August 2020 to 22 January 2021...paid a total of $738,000-26 November, 2020 to 21 January, 2021 when the barges were not being used by the government. And for the record, these are not words of Melvin Mitch Turnbull. This is what is captured in the [audit] report," he opined.

He said: "When I called this same number of $17,000 I was crucified."

Reading from the report, Turnbull said a proposal was put forward by Clyde Chalwell of EZ Shipping Ltd. for government to utilize two barges to assist with the border security challenges at the rate of $17,000 per day.

However, this request was rejected by the Commissioner of Police who advised Mr. Chalwell that the government was achieving the same results he was offering, free of cost.

"...I have no ill will , no malice or anything of the sort for the proprietor of this business…it was being said that I was trying to destroy him and his family," Turnbull said.

No To UK Military Help

Meanwhile, he also spoke of the fact that the United Kingdom (UK) government had offered the BVI government assistance with border security but the government rejected.

"When I spoke about these barges then it was simply to highlight what I understood in my mind and my estimated cost, that we needed to consider if we were indeed making the right decision…if we were doing the right thing given the fact that the UK military had offered to provide support for the securing and surveillance of our border," he told the House of Assembly today.

He added, "I remember being called on different platforms including this Honorable House...I was being irresponsible, I was being a trouble maker, I was being loose with my comments and I didn’t have the best interest of the Virgin Islands at heart."

The Second District Representative mentioned that he asked the former finance minister [Fahie] about the UK's offer, "…I was told no support was offered and they took it upon themselves to do it."

He said, "but the report says the support was offered and it was refused and rejected by the former Premier and those that stood with him."

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