VIP Fires Back At Flax-Charles

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(PLTM) - The Virgin Islands Party (VIP) in a statement on Sunday evening pushed back at claims made by At-Large Representative Hon. Shereen Flax-Charles.

According to the party, "contrary to what was stated in the press release by Hon. Flax-Charles, the party maintains that the paperwork submitted did not satisfy the requirements. Hon. Flax-Charles received written correspondence of what was needed to be rectified, and to date has made no attempts to do so."

The VIP also confirmed that the executive is in receipt of her resignation.

Flax-Charles announced her resignation from the party on Sunday afternoon. Setting off a series of wild speculations regarding her departure from the party.

While stating that she will only be part of a leadership that is transparent, fair and honest, Hon. Flax-Charles claimed that she had indeed fulfilled the requirements at the recent party Congress.

"I pride myself on understanding and operating within laws and rules. While many of you have rightly dismissed the idea that I somehow infringed on the constitution of my former party, I know that for others this has been a concern as it brings my ethics and frankly, my common sense, under scrutiny," she said.

She continued to explained that, summarising The Virgin Islands Party Constitution, Article Twenty: Nomination and Selection of Candidates for the Legislature, it is made abundantly clear that any incumbent VIP member of the Legislative Council desirous of re-election under the banner of the party is entitled to do so once they have informed the executive by the deadline prescribed.

"I fulfilled the basic requirements as outlined in Section 4, and made my intention known to the party’s secretary. I could not met the deadline which Section 1 makes mention of as to date none has been communicated, at least not to me," Flax-Charles said.

She indicated that anyone interested in further investigating this exercise of wordplay and paperwork is free to peruse the party’s constitution.

"There will be varied opinions as there always are, but what I can share is that my interpretation is supported by a senior party member’s written correspondence. Ultimately, this is a minor matter. When compared to the tremendous challenges we face as a Territory, it warrants no further dialogue," she explained.

Adding, "I only raised this for two reasons. It is important to me that you all continue to know that I do not play party games and that I have complete respect for fair protocol and due process."

She went on to state that, whatever clerical mishaps and misunderstandings may have occurred, "I hold no animosity towards my former party as this only reassured me of what I have been considering for a time."

Meanwhile, the VIP in its statement expressed gratitude to Flax-Charles for the service demonstrated during her time in office.

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