Classic Modern Winning Design For West End New Ferry Terminal

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(PLTM) - The Recovery and Development Agency (RDA) has announced that Classic Modern design has won the bid for the new ferry terminal in West End.

In a statement RDA explained that, taking into consideration the efficacy of the three designs, the resiliency of the building and the availability of materials, the Classic Modern design emerged the winner following a tie with the Organic, Futuristic design.

“As a result of the poll and the Ministry of Communications and Works decision and subject to relevant budgetary allocations, the design consultants, Inros Lackner, SE will proceed with the further development of the selected design,” RDA stated.

It was further explained that, in keeping with our principles and values of ‘Open Communication’ the Virgin Islands community was engaged in a poll on the design for the new West End Ferry Terminal which focused on the aesthetics of the building.

“The RDA is elated to partner with the community on this endeavor as we continue on the road to recovery.”

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