Homegrown Studio Gives Back To BFEC

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(PLTM) - Local musical sensation Raul ‘Jougo’ Sprauve is a household name in the Virgin Islands. He is also renowned for his contribution to cultural development through artistic expressions, throughout the Caribbean.

However, the musician has also been making strides in other areas of community building.

Earlier this week, Mr. Sprauve and other members of Homegrown Studio, made a donation to the students at the Bregado Flax Educational Centre.

The donation included televisions and stationery for students of all grades.

Sprauve, who originally hails from Virgin Gorda, recognizes that children learn through various methods and strategies, and said that the televisions will especially aid students who are visual learners, and are more stimulated through visual demonstrations.

Sprauve also told BVI Platinum News, “I was in the education field before, and a teacher for a few years, so I understand that there are needs that the government might not be able to take care of.”

He also mentioned that the Virgin Islands community has been a constant source of support that has underpinned his success throughout his career. This, he said in the interview, has fueled his passion for giving back.

“Being a member of the community - and the community has been supporting what we do in the studio, musically, or on a whole, - it’s just our way of giving back to the community,” the musical engineer stated.

Sprauve also explained that investing in the youth is tantamount to securing the Territory’s future.

“Anything that doesn’t have the youth involved, doesn’t have a future,” he noted, as he reflected that investments into islands' children can have far-reaching, positive implications for the Virgin Islands.

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Sprauve has maintained several working relationships with schools throughout the Territory, in addition to Bregado Flax Educational Centre.

He noted that, “We will always contribute where we can. If we all give a little, and if each of us does a little, in the end we will get a lot done.”

He strongly believes that it is his duty, that if a need arises in the community and he has the capacity to address it, he will endeavor to do so.

“This is definitely not the first time and not the last time. We are going to be around for a while, and we will always be taking part in community activities, once time and resources permit,” Sprauve indicated to BVI Platinum News.

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