Approval Not Granted For Police In Paradise Film

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(PLTM) - The BVI Tourist Board snd Film Commission (BVITB) has denied granting approval for the notorious “Police in Paradise” video.

In a press conference on July 1, Governor John Rankin said, “Regarding the filming, my understanding is that there were some consultations with the tourism board. I don’t have the exact details of that but if any crimes were committed, that should be investigated but I do not have evidence to believe that is the case.”

The BVITB denied knowing about the video prior to its circulation in the public.

“We are not aware of when the footage for this production was shot, as there is no record of permission being sought. Furthermore, the BVITB did not issue a film permit to allow the filmed content from the video to be captured in the Territory,” the statement added.

However, the Director of Tourism Clive Mc Coy revealed that the Royal Virgin Islands Police Force (RVIPF) sought permission in 2018 about a similar filming enterprise. Mc Coy confirmed that approval for this project was not granted.

As it relates to the video in question, “the BVITB does not have any record of consultation being made regarding the filming of the “Police in Paradise” video which has been recently circulated.

Further, the BVITB reiterated that video was a negative portrayal of the video and they were not in support of its production.

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