Hit Or Miss? Tortola Signage At QE II Park Draws Mixed Views

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BVI Platinum News

(PLTM) - A 'Tortola' sign being erected at the Queen Elizabeth II Park in Road Town has drawn mixed views from residents with some persons questioning the location and others having no problems with the design which is promoted as an added attraction for tourists.

"Did we really have to deface the QE II Park in this manner?" former First Lady, Lorna Smith questioned.

Despite the online criticisms about the location of the sign, the project has forged ahead. When BVI Platinum News visited the park, the signage appeared to be in the final stages of construction as a worker was seen removing the boards used to form the concrete outline.

"That’s the stupidest thing I’ve ever seen. How did they come up with that?" a commentator responded to the former First Lady's post.

Another person stated, "Man if we are going to be putting these things up, run a lil online poll nuh... get some other views from the public on where they think they should go."

The project is being spearheaded by the BVI Tourist Board’s Project Department and commenced a few weeks ago with the Virgin Gorda signage being erected.

Former BVITB Director, Sharon Flax-Brutus also weighed in. She said, "Ok. I really should keep my Flax big mouth shut …. But truthfully we didn’t need the same thing for every island and certainly this spot kinda just doesn’t gel for this piece of art!!! Another location - maybe- or signage with a different look. Ok -mouth shut again."

Social commentator Alton Bertie said, "I actually think the sign is a good idea. Can’t wait to see it completed and get photos. Also, I think we can do different signs throughout the territory. But I suggest we get different designers and artists. Make it a whole thing and give other people a chance to express themselves.

He added, "Could even be the particular location like “CARROT BAY” or “TRELLIS BAY” things like that. Also, I was in discussion about this, but it would be awesome to have at least one underwater! It would serve as an artificial reef and definitely a tourist attraction for snorkelers, free divers and scuba divers! (Of course we’d have to maintain it)"

Several persons in response to Bertie agreed with the signage, but suggested that other 'Tortola' signage be erected on the island. Director of Projects at the BVITB Anya Frett told BVI Platinum News in December that the overall objective is to develop the destination.

“The whole idea behind the signs is to bring more unique ideas so that tourists can have the opportunity when they come to the BVI to take photos.”

She said the signs, like the one on Virgin Gorda, will spell out the name of each island. They will be created out of concrete and covered with artwork depicting the uniqueness of each island.

However, the input of residents on each island for the final artwork will be solicited, she said, adding that it was likely that more than one sign would be created on each island.

Frett informed that the locations on the islands for the sign will be strategically picked.

In the case of VG, she said the background shows Saba Rock, Bitter End and the channel to Anegada and is positioned well to showcase the boating life during events like Poker Run.

“We want to give some traction for the tourists in and around the different islands with the hope that we can get locals and individuals to develop the properties around and other government initiatives around so that we can build more unto our tourist product.”

The signs will also be well lit so persons can also spot them during the nighttime hours and also use them as photo stops.

Frett has stated that work is currently underway for the sign for Anegada, while the Jost Van Dyke’s sign will commence early this year.

At the time, Frett had said that the location for JVD has not yet been approved, but Anegada’s sign will be placed in the Botanical Garden.

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