Too Costly! Quito’s To Close For Remainder Of The Season

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(PLTM) - Citing the expense tourists face from the Government-imposed Covid-19 protocols, Quito’s Ltd has announced plans to close shop in the next 10 days for the rest of the season .

Via its official Facebook page, the company announced that their decision which has already garnered over 130 reactions, 38 comments and eight shares that “It is with great sadness that we share our difficult decision to close Quito’s Ltd on January 31, 2021, for the season.”

It continued: “While we applaud the government for trying to keep the country safe, the protocols and the expense they put on visitors has demolished the tourist industry. We are heartbroken but will be back next season better than ever if the situation changes. One love.”

This means that the famous Quito’s Gazebo and Quito’s Luxury Inn, the latter, a multimillion-dollar recently opened hotel in Cane Garden Bay, will be closed.


“We feel the same way. We have been planning a trip to the BVI for over a year, and it keeps getting cancelled,” one blogger named Vicki Lynn wrote beneath the post.

“We are broken for you and everyone in the BVI… we had plans to be there next month but had to cancel because just what you stated,” another blogger who uses the name Vickie Balogh Tombrello said.

Another blogger named Jason Helmbrecht added: “Such a shame. We have guests coming in January and February that I know were looking forward to patronizing.”

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