Exotic Dancers Being Brought In Under Disguise

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(PLTM) - Health Minister Hon. Carvin Malone has disclosed that the Government has become aware that a number of persons are utilising the entry procedures to import exotic dancers and other persons for employment into the Territory under the guise of being family members or friends.

“These flagrant episodes of disregard for public safety and the protocols that have been established to ensure protection of lives and livelihoods during this time of the COVID-19 Pandemic will not be tolerated,” he warned.

The minister said the Government has recently instituted a number of fines and penalties and expanded the categories of officers designated to administer tickets.

In addition, he said the Social Distancing Task Force will continue to make unannounced visits and will hold persons and businesses accountable to being responsible.

“We cannot play with the health and lives of each other. We are in this together but each of us must do our part,” he asserted.

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