Full Lockdown Averted As Curfew Moves To 1 P.M

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(PLTM) - After weighing the economic, social and other costs involved, the Government has decided against placing the Territory under a full 24 hr lockdown which was highly anticipated following a spike in COVID-19 cases in the past week.

Instead of the full lockdown, Governor Augustus Jaspert announced today, September 1 that a new Curfew Order will come into force tomorrow for two weeks from Wednesday, September 2. The Governor explained that there will be a hard lockdown from 1:01 p.m. each day until 5:00 a.m. each morning, which means that residents must stay within the confines of their home or yard between the curfew hours.

"Let me start by saying, we are not introducing a full 24 hour lockdown in BVI," the Governor stated very early into a live broadcast.

He added, "Whilst this is an option, it comes with significant cost – economically, socially,and mentally. Therefore, we want to avoid this if at all possible, so not to put additional hardship on individuals who are already facing a very challenging time."

The Governor explained that the Territory is facing a long-term threat from th virus, a threat which would not disappear if BVI was to go into lockdown for a couple of weeks.

"Much as we would like it, we cannot plan for being completely COVID-19 free in the near future and it would be unrealistic to do so. It could be many months, even longer, until the world emerges from this period. So instead, we need to use the next period to learn to function with COVID-19 so that our society and economy can keep going in the long-term, rather than repeatedly closing and opening," the Governor stated.

The announcement follows Cabinet's meeting on Monday, August 31, which reviewed the current COVID-19 measures and the newly identified cases of COVID-19 within the Territory – which now stands at 38 active cases.

"We - your Government - have always said that an agile response to COVID-19 is required. Cabinet must constantly review the data, expert opinions and the challenges before us and adapt. Just as important as the efforts of medical professionals and law enforcers, is the efforts of our community. The time has come for us to adapt again to fight this virus and protect our islands. We have moved to the next phase in our response plans – and we need everyone to support us in this," the Governor explained.

The Governor indicated that during the hours of 5:00 a.m. and 1 pm a limited number of essential businesses will be open.

"Every establishment – businesses, offices and shops – must ensure their staff and customers maintain a 6ft distance inside and outside of the establishment and that everyone wears a face mask. They must provide hand sanitation facilities, ensure thorough and regular cleaning and put policies in place for staff and customers to report symptoms," the Government stated.

He added that the restrictions on the movement of vessels on the Territorial waters remain in place and that all beaches will be closed at 12 noon to ensure individuals can be back at home by 1:00 p.m. in compliance with the curfew.

"You may only visit beaches for exercise, not for meeting with groups or having parties," the Governor highlighted.

Additionally, schools remain closed and this position will be reviewed every two weeks. However, teachers will be allowed to access their classrooms to prepare learning materials and online resources.

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