Laundries, Restaurants & Hardware Stores Allowed To Open; Beach Hours Reduced

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(PLTM) - Laundries, Restaurants & Hardware Stores have received the greenlight to reopen for business with restrictions from today, August 29.

This was announced last evening, August 28, by Premier and Minister of Finance, Hon. Andrew Fahie, following Cabinet meeting.

Accoording to Premier Fahie, a new Curfew Order, No. 29 will allow for the opening of hardware and building supplies store, suppliers of hurricane shutters, construction teams with no more than 10 persons.

Restaurants will be allowed to open for takeout and deliveries only, while computer equipment and office suppliers, and bakery supplies will be allowed to serve the public.

Also included are laundries for drop off and delivery/pick up only; and churches and faith-based activities.

It was also fecided to limit gathering sizes to 10 persons and that intra-island ferries continue to operate but must adhere to the social distancing measures and protocols; Cabinet also decided to amend the Suppression Order to limit access to the Territory's beaches between the hours of 5:00am and noon. According to Premier Fahie, Cabinet also endorsed the Minister of Education's decision relating to on-line education in the first instance and agreed to review the position of the re-opening of schools fortnightly.

Hours before Cabinet met, the Minister for Health and Social Development Hon. Carvin Malone informed residents that a total of 529 persons were tested from August 25 through 27.

These persons, he stated, were mainly comprised of primary and secondary contacts of recently identified cases #12 through #26.

Swabs and testing included residents of Anegada, returning nationals and Belongers and other categories of persons routinely tested for COVID-19.

The Health Minister reported that 520 of these results were returned as negative while nine were returned as positive for the virus that causes COVID-19.

With these additional findings, the total number of positive cases recorded in the Territory is 35 with eight recoveries, one death, and 26 cases remaining active.

Two persons are currently hospitalised.

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