UK Offer To Help Boost Border Security Was Rejected

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(PLTM) - In the initial stages of COVID-19, the United Kingdom (UK) government had offered the BVI help to bolster its border security, but the BVI refused to take up that offer.

Months later with a spike in cases and the Territory grappling with the issue of human smuggling, the BVI maybe in dire need of that help.

Governor Gus Jaspert in his statement to the public this afternoon, August 25, mentioned that the offer was not supported at the time, but did not confirm whether there will be another offer.

"There was a previous offer from the UK to help to bolster the Territory’s border security in the early days of Covid-19. That offer was not supported at the time. I will be discussing with the National Security Council what support might now be needed and will update in due course," he said.

He indicated that the National Security Council is scheduled to meet later today.

"...People have rightly expressed concern about the small number of individuals who are not following the rules and concerns about our border security. As we impose restrictions internally and have strict measures in place for people travelling through the legitimate routes into the Territory, we must ensure that our borders are secure and that people comply with the required measures," the Governor expressed.

Governor Jaspert reminded residents of what the partial lock down entails.

According to the Governor, from tomorrow morning (Wednesday August 26th) from 5:00 a.m. for seven days in the first instance, only those businesses that provide essential services, as set out by the Minister yesterday, will be open.

All other businesses and work places, he stated, must be closed.

"People will be free to leave their homes during 5:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., but we ask that you limit this as much as possible and only do so to access essential services and activities.There will be a hard curfew each day from 5:00 p.m. to 5:00 a.m. During that time, you will be required to stay in your homes or the confines of your yard," the Governor outlined.

He urged all employers of any business that is permitted to be open to be responsible and close in good time to allow employees and customers time to get home by 5:00 p.m.

From 2:00 p.m. today, the public service will be closed to the public and public officers will carry out their duties remotely, except for certain essential services.

The Governor stated that restrictions on the movement of vessels within Territorial waters will remain in place and that all private and commercial vessels shall be prohibited from travelling within the Territorial waters, with the exception of fisherfolk where authorised and intra-island ferries.

"There is no travel permitted to Anegada unless as approved. All other vessels should return to dock," the Governor stated.

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