BVI Airways Files Missing; Premier Says Internal Audit Now

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Melissa Edwards/BVI Platinum News

(PLTM) - In what can be likened to a spring cleaning, the new administration has ordered that an internal audit commence today, May 20, to find details of the BVI Airways deal, which are reportedly missing.

In response to a series of questions about BVI Airways and the missing $7.2M from Opposition Member and Third District Representative, Hon. Julian Fraser, Premier Hon. Andrew Fahie explained to the House of Assembly that the files containing the information were deleted from the idrive.

The Premier, who for the last two years has been asking questions about the BVI Airways saga, while serving in the Opposition, said that he is astonished that his staff has been stonewalled in their search for information.

"My staff in the Premier’s Office work head in heels to help me as Premier, but the answers would make it seem as if they are not cooperating, but they are. A lot of things were done without most of their knowledge, so it is difficult for some of them to find some of this information. On the idrive is where they went, where the information is kept, but that has been deleted. So we are working feverishly to get that idrive retrieved and get it backed up so that we can get all of this information."

Therefore, the Premier stated that an audit is necessary at this time. In fact, he told the House of Assembly on Friday that the matter needs urgent attention.

"I will be calling an internal audit on Monday (May 20) morning to start to deal with some matters, so that we can get some accuracy and some clarity…because it seems like the powers that be that need to look into this either gone to sleep…"

Further the Premier hinted that he does not expect the search and sweep to be lengthy, as he hopes to have answers by Thursday. In fact, Hon. Fahie said that he must have answers and somebody has to answer him.

"The buck stops with me as Premier, so trust me when I tell you that somebody will have to answer me with what has happened with the Territory’s $7.2M, so give me until next week Thursday."

Nonetheless, the Premier assured Hon. Fraser that the answers will be coming soon, and admitted that he was surprised to see that the information disappeared.

"I thought this would have been a piece of cake to get this information for you, because I can’t tell you when as yet, but I will better be able to tell you by when next week is finished, because somebody has to have information about this plane somewhere, and someone has to answer to the new Government with all the questions and they have to take the questions that's been asked by the House of Assembly more seriously.”

Additionally, Hon. Fahie disclosed that a last minute contract was done to recoup the money that was expended in the BVI Airways deal. In bringing up the matter, he told the House, "I want to tell this Honourable House I’ve had enough and the Governor's in charge of his section, but I have met a contract for $200,000 on the eve of election again, by the past administration, hiring a company to go look after for the $7.2M that they signed away. A new company to go look for the money that they sent away and pay new money to the company.”

"I didn’t want to blacklist any company, but I’ll just say it raised a red flag. But to date they aint find the money, but I’ve been made to understand they have more access to the idrive. I’ve been made to understand because this is what I’ve been told. I hope it isn’t so, but at the Premier’s Office it's deleted,” he added.

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