Brexit And The BVI: Candidates Concerned

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BVI Platinum News

(PLTM) - While the world is paying close attention to the days leading up to March 29, the deadline for Brexit—the United Kingdom’s expected exodus from the European Union (EU)—candidates contesting the BVI's February 25 General Elections have their eyes peeled, and are very concerned about what the potential impact may be on the BVI.

Some candidates have even voiced concerns that the Government is not being as honest with the population about the implications for the BVI as they should be.

Recently, former Deputy Governor and Attorney General, Mrs. Dancia Penn-Sallah, QC—who is running as an Independent At-Large candidate—explained, “In a few short weeks, the date as far as I know is the 29th of March this year, Brexit will occur. Brexit simply means Britain leaving the European Union. We are an Overseas Territory as a matter of the Constitution of the United Kingdom and Brexit can and will impact us.”

Expounding on the issue, she said, “One of the areas for example is now, as an Overseas Territory of the United Kingdom, the European Union treats us and affords us a certain particular status. When Britain is no longer part of the EU, what is that going to mean?”

She pointed out that the EU funds many developmental programmes and projects in the BVI, and as such, Brexit should not be taken lightly.

“The issues related to Brexit, and all that can come from that are fundamentally critical and crucial matters,” she reminded.

According to Penn-Sallah, “I honestly do not think that our Government has told us anywhere near enough of what the consequences can be for us and we need to know more.”

The veteran politician said, “We need leaders who will be aware of those issues, who will be able to address those issues, and very importantly, leaders who will be able to be honest and transparent, and open with, us and let us know.”

“It is the people’s business and the people have the right to know,” she declared.

Added to that, she said, “We need a positive relationship with the United Kingdom…because our reality is that we are an Overseas Territory of the United Kingdom.”

These concerns were shared by Third District candidate for the Virgin Islands Party (VIP), Dr. Arlene Smith-Thompson.

Over in the Progressive Virgin Islands Movement (PVIM) camp, newcomer, Ms. Sylvia Romney Moses, who will be vying for the District One seat, also focused her attention on this issue of Brexit.

The former Director of the International Affairs Secretariat in a public address recently said, “The matter of Brexit and the date of March 29 must be closely watched.”

She reminded, “The UK voted to leave the EU with a deadline of March 29, 2019. In 2017, BVI prepared a whitepaper—British Virgin Islands preparing for post-Brexit world—this paper was to ensure that BVI’s interest and benefits stay in the minds of the UK during their negotiations. Should the UK leave the EU with a no deal, the benefits of the BVI will be lost.”

If elected, she vowed to work towards combating the impact of Brexit on the territory.

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