Rainfall Results In Overnight Erosion, Flooding

[gallery]As a result of inclement weather conditions over the past two days, some roadways became inundated, while there have been incidents of erosion around Tortola.

In an attempt to prevent any major accumulation of water, the Public Works Department (PWD) is currently engaged in cleaning the ghuts around Road Town, to allow sufficient drainage.

However, the roadways in Brewer’s Bay and on Mount Healthy have become a hazard, with water cascading down the roads.

Overnight erosion has also led to rocks and rubble gathering along roadways, posing a further threat to motorists.

Minister of Communications and Works, the Honourable Mark Vanterpool has committed to having this addressed by the PWD.

He told BVI Platinum News, “The team will be out all day.”

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(PLTM) - He explained that earlier in the day, some areas experienced minor flooding, but waters receded as soon as the ghuts were cleared.

“The last six weeks we have been doing some major works cleaning all the ghuts throughout the Territory and they were pretty well cleared,” he stated.

According to Hon. Vanterpool, “When you have a heavy shower like we had this morning, what happens—as was with the bridge next to the fire station—the debris from higher up in the hills come down and after a little while, they tend to block some lower bridges like that one there and that was the case this morning.”

Most of the debris cleared were heavy branches, he explained, adding, “The branches blocked the bridge from the water flowing freely.”

As it relates to the erosion, he said, “The public works team will be out for the day clearing up the roads with the slippage that would have come from the side of the road.”

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