Enforcement Of Building Codes Needed

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BVI Platinum News

(PLTM) - There is a need for the building codes to be adhered to, especially as a fire prevention measure. This is being stressed by Sub-Officer of the Virgin Islands’ Fire and Rescue Service, Ms. Aldith Penn.

Penn, who has been working with the Fire Service for the past 21 years, related that on many occasions when responding to fires, one of the challenges is the failure by the owners of buildings to obey the codes, which can either be a cause of the fire or a hindrance in containing the fire.

She lamented the circumvention of the process of getting a building approved, which has been occurring.

“At the end of the day, the Government has the last say. Although we can disapprove a home or so, because of certain things there are some people that still get through,” she shared.

She condemned this practice, reminding that building codes exist for the safety and security of occupants of a structure, and as such need to be enforced.

As such, she is urging that home owners and those involved in constructing buildings “apply themselves to get up to standard.”

“Moving forward, they should improve their plans….evacuation plan, fire prevention. They should also call in the Fire Department so that we can help them better organise,” she advised.

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