Poverty, Living Conditions To Be Assessed

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Premier Hon. Dr D. Orlando Smith and residents following Hurricane Irma in September 2017.

(PLTM) - The government has announced plans to commence a comprehensive Country Assessment of Living Conditions in the Territory.

Hon. Ronnie Skelton, Minister of Health and Social Development on Wednesday September 19, said that the main components will be a combined Survey of Living Conditions and Household Budget Survey, to be conducted by the Central Statistics Office – which will cover one thousand (1000) randomly selected households; and a Participatory Poverty Assessment in four (4) communities, coordinated by the Social Development Department – which will use a variety of research tools, such as in-depth interviews, case studies, and community workshops.

Also, a Macro Social and Economic Assessment, led by the Ministry of Finance, which involves the collection and analysis of secondary data in order to examine key political, economic and social trends; and an Institutional Assessment covering a range of government institutions and civil society organisations that provide services which are designed to improve living conditions.

The Minister said that as they work to recover from the natural disasters of 2017 and to make the Territory more resilient, it is vitally important to gain a clearer understanding of people’s living conditions through various means of research.

"Many of us have been placed in the most vulnerable state we have ever experienced in our lifetime, and some are better able to rebound than others," he said in a statement.

Hon. Skelton added, "To make certain that the Territory’s economic recovery and development does not leave socially disadvantaged groups, families, and communities behind, it is important to understand the day-to-day living condition of all segments of society, and to hear directly from the persons most affected."

The Health Minister expressed thanks to the Caribbean Development Bank (CDB) and the Organisation of the Eastern Caribbean States Commission (OECS Commission) for their financial support and technical expertise.

He explained that, CDB has been implementing assessments of this kind since 1995 throughout the Caribbean, and was instrumental in developing the BVI’s Country Poverty Assessment of 2003. The Country Assessment of Living Conditions will utilize the CDB’s Enhanced Country Poverty Assessment methodology, which goes beyond traditional income-based poverty measures.

"The study will address multiple dimensions of poverty and human development and will take into account vulnerability to shock, natural hazards, and disaster events," he noted.

More information on each of these activities and how persons can become involved will be communicated by the members of the National Assessment Team over the coming weeks and months.

"I encourage everyone to share your input whenever the opportunity is presented, in order for a broad range of voices and perspectives to be heard. The success of this important process depends on your active involvement," the Health Minister encouraged.

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