VG Airport May Reopen By September

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(PLTM) - The BVI Airports Authority (BVIAA) has assured the travelling public that they are diligently working towards re-opening the Taddy Bay Airport, Virgin Gorda by the middle of September 2018.

"We have thus far sourced a rapid intervention fire fighting vehicle out of the United States, which is currently being refurbished to meet our regulatory requirements," the BVIAA said on Monday, July 16.

It was explained that two technicians from the Authority are currently in South Carolina overseeing the refurbishment of the vehicle and are also gaining practical experience on the operation thereof.

Additionally, arrangements are being made to resurface the runway in preparation for the arrival of the new fire vehicle, and plans for a new building to house the said vehicle have already been approved by the Town and Country Planning Department.

"We endeavor to keep you, the public, apprised of the development at the Taddy Bay Airport and a further update will be given in August," the BVIAA stated.

The Authority also apologised for any inconvenience caused due to the closure of the Taddy Bay Airport, "and thank you, the public, for your indulgence as we seek to ensure that safety is maintained at all times."

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