CCT Donates Modem & Free Internet To Elderly Home

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(PLTM) - CCT’s Marketing team presented the residents and staff of the Adina Donovan Home with an LTE modem and complimentary internet service from CCT BVI, the telecommunication company said.

Assistant Manager of the Adina Donovan Home, Mrs. Ritzia Turnbull-Smith said during the presentation that they are truly grateful for CCT’s donation of a modem with complimentary internet service, which will definitely provide entertainment for residents.”

Mrs. Smith added, “Not only will the residents benefit, but our staff also, as this will provide an opportunity to enhance their skills, knowledge and education with the use of the internet in an effort to upkeep with the vision and mission of the home.”

Commenting on the donation, CCT's Marketing Manager, Mr. Recaldo Richardson said, “The CCT Cares initiative will remain active and involved in the community. We will make an effort to give back and show our appreciation for the overwhelming support of our customers and community whenever we can."

He said that the donation was aimed to assist in improving the livelihood of the elderly and to ensure that they are comfortable and entertained while at the Adina Donovan Home.

CCT Cares Initiative was officially launched in January 2018 and will continue with to give back to the community through volunteering services and contributing in ways that seem fit for the betterment of the community.

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