Health And Welfare Issue Addressed At VG Dumpsite

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(PLTM) - GIS - Director of the Department of Waste Management, Mr. Marcus Solomon has said that the long standing health and welfare issue at their Virgin Gorda Dumpsite has been addressed with the construction of an administration office.

Mr. Solomon said the site was commissioned earlier this month and employees now have full access to the new amenities. He added the facility is a welcomed addition as the department seeks to improve health and safety issues at the site as well as providing much needed facilities for the staff.

The Director said, “The space is now equipped with an office space, rest room and shower facilities as well as lunch room. This upgrade was necessary as we continue to enhance our waste management services.”

Mr. Solomon is also reminding communities to continue with their recycling efforts.

“Start by separating plastics and glass and ensure that they are bagged,” he said, adding, “You can also compost your organic waste and drop off your plastics or glass at any or our conveniently located recycling stations throughout the Territory. Businesses can take their recyclables directly to Paraquita Bay in the case of plastics or to Pockwood Pond in the case of glass for recycling.”

The schedule days for the collection of recycling bags at bins are as follows:

1. Virgin Gorda – Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

2. Jost Van Dyke – Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday.

3. Tortola – Daily

The Department of Waste Management remains committed to enhancing the natural beauty of the Territory leveraging state-of-the-art waste management technology ensuring timely collection disposal and where feasible, recycling of waste. Together, we can maintain a cleaner, safer, and more sustainable Virgin Islands.

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