On Life Support! Shame Has Some Small Businesses Still Open

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(PLTM) - Sixth District Representative, Hon. Myron Walwyn has called on the Virgin Islands Party (VIP)- administration to provide financial boost to small businesses in the Territory who have been suffering since the 2017 hurricanes.

Speaking at the swearing-in of the Fifth House of Assembly (HoA), Hon. Walwyn said this is a time for rigorous and positive action, and urgency to strength the economy of the county.

“Madam Speaker, the small local businesses in our country are on life support. These businesses have not caught themselves from the 2017 hurricanes and its effects and Covid-19. Madam Speaker, is shame that have some of us still opened,” Hon. Walwyn stated.

He added, “The business community needs a boost.”

Hon. Walwyn urged that the re-instatement of the National Business Bureau and place it on legislative footing so that it becomes a permanent feature in our governmental system.

According to the third-term Legislator, businesses need access to capital in the form of low interest loans and grants along with technical support and training.

He said that there are many persons, particularly young people who have great ideas, but need support to bring them to life.

“These are the things that a good government should helping with. We must revisit the Encouragement of Industries Ordinance and the Hotel Aid Ordinance so that we could provide greater opportunities and benefits so spur on entrepreneurship in all areas of our economy,” Hon. Walwyn stated.

He said that he was asking and raising these issues not to be difficult but to arrest ‘our consciousness of the BVI’s fierce urgency of now’.

According to Hon. Walwyn, the Territory’s ability to address these issues is inextricably linked to the quality of life that can be offered to ‘our residents’.

“It is important that we get these national matters addressed because if the country is not doing well then, the services that constituents are expecting at the district level will be severely impeded,” Hon. Walwyn noted.

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