Relationship Reset! UK Outlines New Strategy For OTs

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(PLTM) - Law makers in the United Kingdom are unhappy with the approach to relations with the Overseas Territory and this has led to new approach announced during the just concluded Joint Ministerial Council (JMC) meeting.

According to the 2023 UK and Overseas Territories Joint Ministerial Council (JMC) Communiqué, OT leaders, including Premier and Minister for Finance, Natalio Wheatley, welcomed the Foreign Secretary’s announcement of a new UK Government strategy on the OTs.

“We look forward to collaborating in its development, setting the direction for a relationship firmly based on the principles of collaboration and mutual interest,” the joint Communique stated.

The agreement further stated that OTs further welcome that each Government Department will have an assigned Minister responsible for their Department’s relationship with the Territories.

“These Ministers will meet as a group chaired by the Minister for the Overseas Territories,” the communique outlined.

During debate in the House of Commons on the OTs it was pointed out that there is widespread frustration about just how difficult it is to engage in even basic dialogue with UK Government Departments.

Alicia Kearns, Chair, Chair of the Foreign Affairs Committee outlined that given the UK’s belief in self-determination, it is only right that OTs make their own case to Government departments, rather than relying on the Foreign Office to act as messenger.

“They make their own case best when their voices are heard. That will also help to tackle any lingering belief in paternalistic governance. The Foreign Affairs Committee made that recommendation in 2019, because neither the territories nor their citizens are foreign,” Kearns stated.

She outlined that it is fundamentally at odds to have them supported through the Foreign Office.

“I urge the Government to drastically change how OTs are treated. That starts with beefing up the powers of the overseas territories directorate so that it is not seen as some sort of backwater—I apologise to civil servants observing the Chamber today—and ensuring it has the powers that are needed and that Ministers give it sufficient focus,” Kearns noted.

She urged the Minister responsible for OTs to have all Government Departments update their strategies on the OTs, because not one of them is less than a decade old.

“That cannot be right; we need to update the individual strategies,” Kearns noted.

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