We Have Learnt—Pickering Says NDP Voted Themselves Out

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Melissa Edwards/BVI Platinum News

(PLTM) - Former Deputy Premier Kedrick Pickering says that the National Democratic Party (NDP) voted themselves out of office in 2019 by splitting the party. He also said that they were on a great trajectory but they ‘got beside’ themselves, but they have learnt.

“We were moving but we got beside ourselves that we did somethings that are wrong and ya’ll kicked us out of office, but we have learnt and we are back…There is nothing like people who can admit that you have made a mistake, and you are prepared to do what is right and move beyond. We are ready to take this country forward where we left off and take it in a direction,” the former Deputy Premier said on Friday evening in District Six.

Speaking to the split of the party in 2019, Dr. Pickering said that had they not done this, they would have still been in office.

“Listen to this, the NDP voted themselves out of office, all of us know that if we had stayed together as a team , we would still be in office. All of us know that. I challenge anybody to tell you that under the National Democratic Party this country wasn’t going places. Because we know this country was doing very well , but we were the ones who created the problems for ourselves but we realized that we made a mistake,” he said.

The former District Seven Representative added, “that is why I can stand on the podium with Hon. Walwyn and be part of a team that he is part of because we understand that the country is bigger than us and when the country does well all of us will do well.”

He spoke to the many things which were done under the NDP.

“You want to get back where you were before 2019 where this country was going well. Look how well this country was doing-two years left before the elections, the election was constitutionally due in September 2019, we had the floods in August , in September 2017 we had the hurricanes, but with all of that our country was so well respected within two months we were able to negotiate a $65M loan with the Caribbean Development Bank.”

He said: “Because our team was so well respected, that was the money that the present government has been spending. We understood what was needed to move this country forward, so we put the Recovering Development Agency in place to help us spend that very money and we were negotiating with the UK to give us that loan guarantee. Our country would have been well on the way if we had stuck to our plans, and moved ahead along the pathway.”

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