OCTA Discusses BVI, OTs Post Brexit EU Relationship

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BVI Platinum News

(PLTM) - A European Union (EU) representative announced this week that discussions have commenced on how to maintain a partnership with the British Virgin Islands and other United Kingdom Overseas Territories following Brexit.

Like other UK Overseas Territories of the region, the BVI is connected to the European Union through its connection to the United Kingdom and its membership with the Association of Overseas Countries and Territories of the European Union (OCTA). Through this alliance, the Territory has enjoyed a beneficial affiliation with European Union countries and organizations.

However, Brexit would sever the Territory’s UK link to the EU, which makes it imperative that the OCTA affiliation is maintained in some form.

This concern is not lost on OCTA itself, as it was reported that this week the organization held ad hoc discussions in St. Martin to consider ways of dealing with the Brexit effects.

The St. Martin News Network reported that OCTA members appreciate that withdrawal would have an effect on the organization.

OCTA is reportedly concerned that the majority of its current membership consists of British Overseas Territories.

“Their exit will prompt an array of operational and strategic constraints for the association… Significant to note is that the majority of these territories are located in the Caribbean region. Examples are Anguilla, the British Virgin Islands and Montserrat, therefore preserving our ties with these territories post Brexit remains of paramount importance,” the report indicated.

It was further explained that OCTA’s existing articles of association “were reviewed and the possibilities for cooperation with the British Overseas Territories with respect to regional programming, diplomacy and lobbying after March 29, 2019 were thoroughly debated.”

Therefore, as means of softening the blow of Brexit, it was announced that the EU representative for St. Maarten, Carol Voges chaired an ad hoc OCTA Executive Committee meeting that was aimed at triggering discussions “with the OCTA membership on the future of the association post Brexit.”

It was mentioned that in preparation of the upcoming ministerial conference in early 2019, the Executive Committee has decided to commission a legal consultant to provide guidance on the various options available for the continued partnership with the British Overseas Territories.

Moreover, OCTA has announced that in early August, it would be publishing its position on the new Overseas Association Decision (OAD), which is the legislative framework that stipulates the Overseas Countries and Territories’ relationship with the European Union.

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