West End School Still Awaits Promised Repairs

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Clifton Skelton/BVI Platinum News

(PLTM) - Over two months after Education Minister, Hon. Myron Walwyn announced that contracts were inked for remedial works on the Leonora Delville Primary School in the First District, it is still without repairs.

In February, Minister Walwyn had assured that the contracts were signed and that works would commence shortly after to house the primary school students. However, students and teachers are still forced to operate from under tents.

Minister Walwyn also admitted that the teaching and learning environment at the Leonora Delville Primary School gets very difficult, “and I want to assure all stakeholders that we are aware of this and we are working assiduously to improve the situation.”

Further, in his budget address last month, Premier and Finance Minister, Hon. Dr. D. Orlando Smith said that works have begun to have the Leonora Delville Primary School repaired, to ensure that the students on the western end of the island can move from the tents presently being used.

Parents have been complaining over the situation in West End and the condition under which students are forced to learn.

At Thursday’s sitting of the House of Assembly, Opposition Leader and First District Representative, Hon. Andrew Fahie will be grilling Minister Walwyn on the status of the works.

He will ask the Education Minister to inform the House, post Hurricane Irma, what date in December 2017 were the contracts signed to complete the temporary works and purchasing of materials in order to restore the Leonora Delville Primary School building, so that it can be used to house the principal, staff, teachers and students once again.

Minister Walwyn will have to state the amount of each contract/purchase order and the intended description of works for each, the process used to select each contractor or supplier, and state the budgetary head and subhead for which the contracts/purchase orders were charged.

Hon. Fahie also wants to know if, upon signing the contracts, there was sufficient funds in the subhead to accommodate the contracts, and if not, then why were the contracts signed; and the commencement date as stated on the contract for each contractor, as well as the completion date or time-frame stated in the contract to complete the works.

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