Arrests Will Come In Time

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(PLTM) - Faced with poor support from residents when it comes to intelligence gathering, the Commissioner of Police, Mr. Michael Matthews said that the police force is still making progress.

Speaking to the recent increase in gun crimes, Matthews said that arrests will come in time.

"...I do receive regular briefs and I am aware of good progress in a number of key investigations — investigations that have created concerns for the law abiding communities here in the Territory," he said today, February 21.

He added, "In time, arrests will come, and I would like the communities we serve to be patient and realistic about the speed of a complex investigation."

The Top Cop said that what is most difficult about his job is that he can virtually reveal nothing about any of the present findings without undermining and even jeopardizing the ongoing work of his detectives.

"In fact, I have been warned about just that — not saying too much! The least said the better chances of us not only arresting perpetrators, but arresting them with tight and sealed cases."

He said, "I will be the first to say that patience is not one of my virtues. I am keen to see offenders brought to justice as quickly as possible."

Matthews said that he is not used to a community that doesn't work with the police to root out crime.

"I had grown accustomed to working in jurisdictions where most of the citizens speak out, because they are intolerant of criminals pushing and showcasing their gun-wielding lifestyles, and arrests are quickly made. But here in the Territory, it is different," Matthews stated.

He said that hence, it will take longer and his detectives will have to work harder to identify and gather the evidence necessary to arrest these criminals, especially in the aftermath of last year’s destructive events that have left the Territory vulnerable.

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