Mistake Triggered Chamber's Murder Attempt

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BVI Platinum News

(PLTM) - The court was in awe yesterday, July 12, as the allegations against Nickail Chambers, 26, were being read. Chambers is charged with attempted murder and possession of a firearm, namely a pistol.

The charges stem from a shooting incident at Fahie Hill on June 22.

According to the allegations, Chambers attempted to kill his childhood friend, over an incident where the friend accidentally touched Chamber's hand.

As disclosed by Senior Crown Counsel Garcia Kelly, Chambers and the complainant, Corey Prince, have been friends since primary school.

Prior the incident, the two were at Belle Vue, sitting and having a conversation, when Prince’s hand accidentally made contact with the hand of the defendant.

This allegedly outraged Chambers, who then punched Prince in the head, leaped at him and held him in a head lock.

The court heard that persons in the area saw this and assisted, by holding back the accused. However, he managed to escape and ran towards Prince, who acted fast by dealing one blow to the accused forehead. Chambers started bleeding as a result.

Immediately after, the court heard that Prince returned to his place of employment, at a scooter company located at Fort Hill.

He then saw the accused drive up the road on a scooter, and returned shortly after in a jeep.

According to the allegations, having exited the jeep, Chambers crossed the road, and in close proximity to the accused, drew a firearm and discharged it several times.

Prince managed to escape by running through some scooters, through a track and then down a hill, ending up in Free Bottom.

While making his escape, it was noted that he fell several times, resulting in injuries to his face and about his body.

During police investigations into the matter, CCTV footage from the scooter company showed a record of the incident, and clearly identified Chambers as the shooter.

Under police questioning, Chambers replied “no comment” to their questions.

The court also heard that the pistol was not found.

Meanwhile, during deliberations over a bail application made by the accused lawyer, Stephen Daniels, the crown noted that Chambers has a very colorful record.

Senior Magistrate Tamia Richards stated that the record of the defendant is not a good one, noting that it may be the poorest she has ever seen.

“He graduated from affray to now attempting to take the life of another,” Senior Magistrate Richards said.

He was denied bail and remanded to prison.

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