CYS Donates To Youth Sailing

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(PLTM) - The Royal BVI Youth Sailing Programme has received support from the Charter Yacht Society (CYS), in the form of financial assistance.

According to Royal British Virgin Islands Yacht Club, monies from the 2016 Charter Yacht Show registration fee, from each yacht and broker, was donated to the programme.

Sailors were joined by Janet Oliver, Executive Director of the CYS after a Saturday training session to receive the donation.

Oliver explained to the sailors that many of the crews working in the crewed yacht industry began their sailing careers just as the young BVI sailors are doing.

"The CYS is very pleased to be able to make this donation to the BVI Youth Sailing Programme," said Oliver.

"It is a natural fit for us to invest in young sailors and for so many of our crews, this type of programme was an important part of their lives and sailing has now become their livelihood."

The Executive Director further stated, "We have no doubt that many of the sailors training with the Yacht Club will be making headlines in the future or working in the industry."

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