Thankless Job

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(PLTM) - Minister of Communications and Works, Hon. Mark Vanterpool believes that like the noble profession of being a fire fighter, elected representatives do not get the appreciation for the good they do.

Addressing fire officers, including seven new recruits of the Fire Services, the Minister said that their jobs are thankless.

"As an elected representative of the people, and as Fire Officers, we have similarly pledged to serve the public, without favouritism. We will continually be in the public’s eye, we will be scrutinized and we will be criticized," he said this week.

The Minister added, "We cannot hide, nor do we really want to hide from the public we serve, as we know that no matter what we wear or where we go, we will always be Honourable Mark Vanterpool or officers of the Virgin Islands Fire and Rescue Services Department."

He said that they however have to forge ahead.

"Many times you will find that the good you do is not appreciated, but you will have to forge ahead nonetheless. It can be a thankless job, but this is what you have committed to do and I commend you for getting involved in this way."

He said, "What would we do without Fire Officers? Who would put out the random fires that occur, whether they be bush fires, vehicular or boat fires, or fires that threaten to destroy our homes and businesses? Who would help to extricate accident victims?"

Minister Vanterpool went on to state that he wants the new recruits to know that their job is extremely important.

"I want to let you know that you are appreciated. I encourage you, as new recruits, to work together with your colleagues, to carry out this very important function."

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