Another Promise! Direct Flights To Miami Starts June

After months of delays, BVI Airways has promised that direct flights between Miami International Airport and the TB Lettsome International Airport at Beef Island, will take off in June. "The docket is currently with the Department of Transport in the U.S. Hopefully we get that stamped by the end of the month, and we are looking for hopefully in June to start operation," Mr. Brad Goggin, Director of Flight Operations told reporters during a tour of the 97-seater aircraft today, April 12. Government has invested $7M into the start up of the airline, for which it continues to face backlash, including from local airline, VI Airlink. During the tour, Goggin said that this is one of three aircraft.

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Melissa Edwards/BVI Platinum News
Mr Brad Goggin, Director of Flight Operation (left), April 12, 2017

(PLTM) - "We have two aircraft and we have a potential third aircraft coming later this year...The second aircraft is currently in maintenance, so when that arrives, it's fully maintained and ready to go." "Currently it sits 97 passengers. We are changing the configuration for premier class, back down to 86 seats. That’s going to happen before we start operating." When asked if the aircraft was purchased, leased or rented, Goggin said, "Not leased, (it was) purchased." The first commercial flight for BVI Airways in the Caribbean will be to Curaçao, tomorrow, April 13, where they will be flying a BVI delegation, including athletes for the Carifta Games. "That will be our first flight out of here tomorrow...We have five cabin crew trained. They all live in the BVI and they are all local cabin crew, which is important for us. The face of the airline and for the passengers to see local friendly faces, with exceptional service," Goggin said. Asked about ticket prices, Goggin said that he cannot provide that at this time, but assured that it will cheap. "We will be releasing seats as soon as we can, once we’ve been approved to do that...The ticket prices will be cheaper and quicker than you currently can get to Miami. We haven’t really set any commercial cost at the moment...I came back from Miami last week and it was over $500 one way."

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Melissa Edwards/BVI Platinum News

The National Democratic Party (NDP) government continues to face questions surrounding the airline, including who are the local shareholders. When the House of Assembly sits next Tuesday, April 18, Opposition Leader, Hon. Andrew Fahie will be posing several questions to Premier Hon. Dr. D. Orlando Smith, including if BVI Airways has requested any more funding from the government of the Virgin Islands. He will also ask if there exists any other agreements, or addendums to the agreement previously furnished to the House by the Premier, between BVI Airways/BV Airways and the government of the Virgin Islands.

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