Gumbs Refuses To Attend Court

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(PLTM) - The Magistrate’s Court was forced to proceed with the trial in a matter concerning Carlos Gumbs, after he refused to make an appearance.

Gumbs, who is facing charges of threatening language and throwing missiles in an incident that occurred in 2015, was scheduled to make an appearance before the court on March 8.

It was while disposing of matters from court's list that Senior Magistrate Tamia Richards was informed that the accused told prison officers he was not going to court and subsequently refused to go.

The court then noted that the matter will proceed in his absence, stating, “Prison officers are supposed to bring him. I don’t know why they think he had an option.”

Meanwhile, the matter saw Sergeant Nicholas Tranquille providing evidence in the matter against Gumbs.

Tranquille informed the court that he was the officer who took the complaint made by the complainant back in February 2015. He noted that according to the complaint, Gumbs was accused of throwing stones and threatening the complainant.

Tranquille disclosed that he executed a search warrant on the home of the accused, but nothing relevant was found.

According to court records, the incident occurred after Gumbs allegedly accused the complainant of calling his name to the police.

It is alleged that Gumbs told the accused he was going for his gun to shoot him.

Gumbs is expected to make an appearance on April 4.

Senior Magistrate Richards noted that if he fails to appear on the scheduled date, the court will hand down their verdict in his absence.

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