Bregado Flax Wins Inaugural Football Cup

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(PLTM) - The senior boys team from the Bregado Flax Educational Centre can now boast of being the first champions of the Avanell ‘Clarky’ Morton League in Virgin Gorda.

After rounds of games, the team defeated the Elmore Stoutt High School, 3-1 for the title, in a game played last Friday, March 3.

Winning goals came compliments of Tyrique Gardener, Daniel Gilford and Kemron Tillack, while Marcus Butler scored the lone goal for ESHS.

The is the first year of the league, which was named after Avanell Morton, who now resides in the United Kingdom. The league is said to commemorate Morton's invaluable contribution to the development of football in the Territory. Morton was the first Vice President for the BVI Football Association.

Meanwhile, in the Open High School Girls League, Bregado Flax is set to go against Cedar School on March 11 for the championship title.

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