Students Aim High In Archery

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VI Archery Association

(PLTM) - Students from various primary and high schools across the Territory did some competitive arrow shooting over the weekend at the inaugural 'National Archery In Schools Outdoor Shoot Out' competition, organised by the Virgin Islands Archery Association (VIAA).

The event, which was held on February 25 at the A. O. Shirley Recreational Grounds, saw some two dozen students in a strictly controlled environment, firing away to hit visible targets.

In the Elementary Division, from the Enis Adams Primary with a total of 158 points each, Donya Davis scored top for the girls, while Keir Angelo Callagan scored top for the boys.

In the Middle School Division, top girl was Anaya Findlay of Bregado Flax Educational Centre with 233 points, while Rayne Duff of Cedar School was top boy with 270 points.

Shania Daigneault of Elmore Stoutt High School won top honors for the girls in the Senior Division, with 270 points and the top boy award went to Nathan Cousins of Bregado Flax Educational Centre, who scored 285 points.

The top team award went to the Youth Empowerment Programme (YEP).

Patrick Smith, VIAA President was happy the event went well for the first time and is looking forward to hosting many more.

“It went off better than expected. The kids were really enthused and are looking forward to the next one.”

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