Assault Costs Man $5K

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BVI Platinum News

(PLTM) - Jeremy Williams, 38, was ordered to pay a fine of $5000 after he was found guilty for the offence of assault, causing actual bodily harm to Mr. Oswald Bynoe on May 22 of this year.

The court handed down its decision and sentencing earlier today, December 20 when Williams made an appearance.

He was ordered to pay $2000 for the charge, in addition to a $3000 compensation to the victim.

He was instructed to pay the fine before June 30, 2017 or serve 4 and 6 months respectively.

The particulars of the matter outlined that on May 22 while at a bar in Purcell Estate, the accused accosted Mr. Bynoe for staring him and a quarrel ensued.

Williams pushed Mr. Bynoe to the ground, resulting in his hand being broken and a numb thumb.

The court heard that the accused told Mr. Bynoe that he was lucky it wasn’t his neck that had been broken.

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