Gov't Workers Being Paid Late; Vendors Still Owed-Opposition

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BVI Platinum News
H. Lavity Stoutt Community College

(PLTM) - The financial situation facing the territory continues to affect the 'common man', with some government workers receiving late salaries, and small businesses still being owed for work done for government, according to Opposition Leader, Hon. Julian Fraser.

"What a farce, to be blaming the refusal to pay vendors and other services providers for work done, on a shortfall in revenues at the (Financial Services) Commission, when the Premier himself assured the public in the House of Assembly that a $25 million loan/overdraft facility he entered into with CIBC First Caribbean was to eliminate that eventually," Fraser said as he punched several holes in Premier Hon. Dr. Orlando Smith's Address to the territory on Tuesday.

Furthermore, Fraser in his statement today, charged that he was particularly upset to learn that this travesty still persists, and appears to have worsen, "when a young man understandably outraged, approached me about not being paid for some drain cleaning he did back in August."

"But yet, the Premier in his address could tell us, "rest assured, whatever belt-tightening we must do, it will not come at the expense of the common man or woman”. One must wonder what he thinks this is he's doing. Him not paying for services rendered is exactly that, using other people's money to finance his government's operations."

The Opposition Leader also mentioned instances of where some government workers are not being paid on time.

"Earlier this week an employee of Peebles Hospital called me from the bank seeking my assistance in getting their salary which was yet to be paid into the bank. I also know of complaints from employees of the HLSCC about getting their salaries late," he lamented.

Fraser said: "the audacity of our leader, to make a national address, telling us that "we are living through challenges that can best be described as the new normal,” and at the same time promised that his government will ensure that the common people and core services are not negatively affected by whatever belt-tightening measures may be implemented! "

He said, when truly, all along the Premier has been telling the people that the economy is robust, "And not only that, but he has already raised every imaginable taxes which already places the burden on us the so-called "common people and core services".

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