Man Tells Court Weed Used For His Back Pains

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(PLTM) - Following the find of three marijuana plants on his premises in Havers Estate, Jamari Lucian told officers that he plants the herb to make tea, as a remedy for his back pains.

Lucian appeared before the Magistrate's Court last Friday, November 25, where he pleaded guilty to the charge of cultivation.

According to the particulars of the matter, on April 5, the USVI born accused was subjected to a search on his home by officers, which resulted in the find of two buckets containing three marijuana plants.

In response to questions from the police, the accused told the officers that he had bought the plants six days prior.

Before disclosing details of bail, the court, presided over by Senior Magistrate Tamia Richards, encouraged the accused to use his gardening abilities on products that are legal and profitable.

“You have a green thumb. You should use it to grow fruits and vegetables.”

He was granted bail in the sum of $40,000 with one surety and was ordered to attend drug counselling.

He will make another appearance before the court on January 27th 2017.

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